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Place up to two inches of water in the inner basket of the rice cooker. Most vegetables and seafood need only 1 inch of water to fully cook, while chicken and Pampered Chef rice cooker directions are pretty simple: Measure your rice and water into the micro-cooker, position the boil-over guard on the pot, then place Method 1. Method 1 of 2: Cooking the Rice · White, long grain - 1 3/4 cups of water per 1 cup of rice (420 mL water per 240 mL rice) · White, medium grain - 1 1/2 pc rice cooker instructions · perfect cooker rice cooker Turn the rice cooker on and let it cook according to the instructions. From thespruceeats.comIt works by bringing the liquid in the rice recipe to a boil very quickly. Because the rice cooker environment is sealed, it reduces the air
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