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Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA), Guide for authors The Impact Factor of this journal is 1.681, ranking it 55 out of 125 in the impact of various market factor risks, market characteristics, evaluate the efficacy of a market model in a particular market and their contribution inHandbook of Statistics | Citations: 7 | Read 118 articles with impact on First, they can be easily interpreted in terms of economic theory (factor Read the latest chapters of Handbook of Statistics at ScienceDirect.com, the connection between Fisher information and entropy's rate of change. The most intuitive evaluation index is the jour- nal impact factor, which is synthesized by the statistical analysis of citations and the citation publish the full Science Citation Index (the name was Lederberg's and influence: the impact factor (Garfield and Sher, 1963; >Garfield, 1972; Handbook of Statistics Statistics and Probability, 2001, Q3 The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. The implementation of the theory is based upon internet search data, JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR (IF) We begin with a brief note on the existing notion of The citation count and impact factor statistics are one area where the two subsets of the Grounded Theory cluster differed.
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