Skullcandy crusher wireless manual
















Have you read the Skullcandy Crusher 360 manuals, presented on, but still have questions or maybe you need advice from other customers on a specific matter? Ask it right here! Describe your problem with your Skullcandy Crusher 360 device in as much detail as possible Shop Skullcandy Crusher Wireless. The dual-channel haptic bass provides an immersive experience with bass you can feel. Our patented Crusher technology features powerful bass drivers in each ear cup. These custom drivers deliver vibrations in response to low end frequencies from your audio. The Skullcandy Crusher Evo Wireless are well-built wireless over-ears. They're designed to have a bass-heavy sound profile, and you can even use their haptic bass slider to add an extra boom and punch to your favorite music. They have a long, 34-hour continuous battery life, and their companion I bought a Skullcandy Crusher set of headphones about a year ago or so. I bought the best ones I could find because I previously had a nice pair of Skullcandy I just got a $140 voucher for my old Crusher wireless that I sent back under warranty, and now wondering if it's worth it to upgrade? Skullcandy's Crusher wireless headphones are comfortable, fun and offer an excellent battery life for a reasonable price. Though they'll appeal most to bass-lovers who'll enjoy playing with the haptic slider, they also offer fairly well-rounded if slightly bass-heavy sound for those looking for more balance. Skullcandy Crusher Evo Wireless Over-Ear Headphone - True Black $171.28 (2,990) Only 10 left in stock - order soon. [Skullcandy Crusher 360 - Page 23] EN Skullcandy, , and other marks are registered trademarks of Skullcandy, Inc. All rights reserved. Speaker Driver: 40mm; Impedance: 33 Ohms ? Crusher Driver 35mm; Impedance: 8 Ohms ? THD <0.1% (1mW/500Hz) ? Weight: 315g • DC input: 5V 500mA.

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